Prospect Braces & Clear Aligners

Louisville Smile Solutions

At Louisville Orthodontics, we offer a wide range of treatments tailored to meet your needs. Whether you're looking for clear aligners, modern metal braces, or specialized orthodontic solutions, we’re here to help you find the smile you've always wanted.

Protecting Future Smiles
by Maintaining Space

Why Space Maintenance Matters

Space maintenance is crucial if your child loses a baby tooth prematurely. It helps keep the space open for permanent teeth to grow in correctly.

Without this intervention, adjacent teeth may shift into the gap, causing misalignment and more extensive treatment later on.

The Benefits of Space Maintenance

Dr. Raina Chandiramani can preserve your child’s space for permanent teeth with space maintainers by preventing misalignment, promoting proper jaw development, and minimizing future dental issues.

This proactive approach can save time, discomfort, and expense in the long run.

orthodontics office prospect

Our Space Maintenance Process

We start with a thorough dental examination and take X-rays to assess the need for a space maintainer. Impressions of your child's mouth are made to create a custom device.

Once ready, we’ll place the space maintainer and then provide you with detailed instructions for care and regular check-ups so everything stays on track.

Keep Your Smile Perfect With a Retainer

orthodontics office Louisville

Why Retainers Are Essential

Retainers help maintain the beautiful alignment of your teeth after orthodontic treatment.

Wearing a retainer as prescribed prevents your teeth from shifting back to their original positions, ensuring your smile stays perfect.

Types of Retainers

We offer various retainer options to suit your needs:

  • Fixed retainers: Bonded to the back of your teeth for permanent stability.
  • Modified retainers: Customized to fit your specific dental structure.
  • Removable retainers: Convenient and easy to clean, ideal for nightly wear.

Caring for Your Retainer

Proper care and maintenance are vital for the longevity of your retainer. Regular cleaning and storing it in a protective case when not in use will keep it in top condition.

Follow Dr. Chandiramani’s instructions to ensure your retainer continues to support your beautiful smile effectively.